Helping Hands
Oil and charcoal on linen, paper and wood
57.5cm x 42.4cm

‘This is a painting of you, Jenny. Installed on the wall of your home at Sanford Housing Co-op. I remember sitting in your kitchen after work with you telling me about the Co-op and how you’re involved and what it’s like to live there. We watched a documentary made by the founder, John Hands, called “More than a place to live”. I was staying with you because at work we were helping install a house inside a gallery. Built by the young people we support and called ‘The House Of Do Your Own Thing’. I remember you saying John Hands never lived in Sanford, he walked away after it had been made so it could be whatever it needed to be, not what he thought it should be. I was thinking about all these things and more when I painted it, I hope you like it.’

‘Helping Hands’ installation at Sanford Vitrine, Deptford